
First Dental Blog

Whether you are an existing patient or searching for a dentist in the Somerville, and Medford, MA area, we’re excited you are here. With the dental industry advancing, we recognize the importance of keeping our patients and visitors up to date with all of the new and exciting things taking place in our practice.

As we move forward with our blog, we hope to promote dental awareness as a vital part of your healthy lifestyle. Here you will find a variety of articles and topics including dental news, advancements in dental technology and treatments, practical oral health advice, and updates from our practice.

We hope you find our blog to be helpful, engaging, and informational to ensure your best dental health.

As always, feel free to contact our First Dental office with any dental questions or concerns.

What Are the Different Kinds of Procedures That Dentists Deal With?

Dentists Come in Many Forms Different dentists treat specific challenges, much as doctors do. While any dentist can practice general dentistry, some choose to specialize in certain procedures. Braces and tooth alignment, pediatric dentistry, replacement dentistry, major dental surgery, and specialist gum care are examples of these procedures. When it comes to dentists, there are seven different things to choose from. Let's look at each of these types and

September 23rd, 2021|Categories: Dental Procedures|Tags: , , |

One Day Crowns

Dental crowns (or caps) are widely used in almost every dental practice on earth. Crowns are the most common treatment for teeth that need to be protected against biting and chewing forces, in order to protect them from fractures and breaking. The science and technology of crown-making have evolved a great deal in recent years. Until recently, patients had to wait 5 to 7 days in order to receive

October 4th, 2018|Categories: Tooth Crowns|Tags: , , , |

More on Dental Implants

Poor dental hygiene, poor nutrition, dental diseases, and injuries are some of the factors that cause tooth loss. Tooth loss can be prevented if the cause is poor dental hygiene, nutrition, and diseases. Today people have become very busy -- too busy to perform the vital task of incorporating dental visits into their schedules. Dental visits have proven to contribute to the prevention of tooth loss. It is during

July 17th, 2018|Categories: Oral Health|Tags: , , |

Get Locked In On Dental Sealants

Every day our teeth are under attack from harmful bacteria, whether we’re aware of it or not. We all know that failing to defend our teeth and gums can lead to cavities or worse. However, some parts of our teeth are very hard to clean, which can make the battle against bacteria harder to win. First Dental knows how important it is to protect even the trickiest parts of

May 30th, 2018|Categories: Oral Health|Tags: , , |